Dissolution, 229.828
Funds received, held in trust, 229.833
Jurisdiction, 229.823
Legislative declaration, 229.820
Limitations, 229.8245
Maintenance and operating costs:
Fund, 229.8257
Income tax check-off, donations by, 71.10 (5e)
Special license plates, proceeds from, 85.605
Municipal powers, 229.826
Powers, 229.824
Property tax exemption, 70.11(36)
Taxing authority, 77.705, 77.707, 77.71
foreclosure FORECLOSURE
Construction liens, 779.09
Execution on judgment, see Executions
Leases, long terms, 704.31
Log lien, time limit, 779.20
Maintenance liens, 779.70 (6)
Mining liens, practice, 779.39
Stone quarry lien, 779.40
foreign corporations FOREIGN CORPORATIONS
Generally, Ch. 226
For detailed analysis, see Corporations—4. Foreign Corporations
foreign money claims FOREIGN MONEY CLAIMS
Generally, 806.30 to 806.44
forest county FOREST COUNTY
Records as evidence, 2.06
forest croplands FOREST CROPLANDS
Generally, Ch. 77
forest lands, managed FOREST LANDS, MANAGED
Generally, 77.80 to 77.91
For detailed analysis, see Taxation—9. Managed Forest Croplands
forests, logging, and trees FORESTS, LOGGING, AND TREES
Generally, Ch. 28
Arbor day observance, 28.06, 118.025
Christmas trees:
Growers, sellers; licensing and regulation, 94.10
Tax exemption, 70.111 (4)
Unlawful harvest, 26.03, 134.60
Cities, forester, tree planting, 27.09
Community forests, 28.20 to 28.23
Council on forestry:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (19)
Duties, 26.02
County, 28.10, 28.11
Park commission, tree maintenance responsibility, 27.05 (5)
Road aids, 86.315
State grants for development of wildlife habitat, 23.09 (17m)
Cutting, removing and transporting trees, see Harvest, under this head
Destruction of forest protection equipment or notices, 26.19
District attorneys to prosecute violations, 26.18
Dutch elm disease studies, 36.25 (4)
Education grant program, 560.18
Energy resources from, report on, 26.36
Evergreens, harvest without permission, 134.60
Fire wardens:
Emergency employment, 26.12 (3)
Responsibility of wardens and citizens, 26.15
Town, 26.13
Civil liability, 26.14 (9), 26.21
Fire protection areas, organization, 26.12
Law enforcement, 26.14
Natural resources department:
Jurisdiction, 26.11
Powers, 23.09 (2)
Private forest grants, 26.38
Railroads, fire protection, 26.20
Suppression aids; grants, 26.145
Forestry education, 26.39
Demonstration and education center, 28.015
Consent of owner required, penalties, 26.05
Evergreens, harvest without permission, 134.60
Land subject to tax certificate, logging prohibited, 75.37
Notice required, penalty, 26.03
Seizure and sale of products unlawfully cut, 26.06
Unlawful, civil liability, 26.09
Highways and streets, trees on; ownership, removal, care, 66.1037, 84.07 (1), 86.03
Insects and diseases, control, 26.30
Highway transportation:
Trucking logs, securing loads, 348.10 (3)
Weight limitations, 348.15 (3) (br), 348.175, 348.19